Picture of a green landscape

Using the M lenses on a Leica SL2-S

Written by | Stuart Rayson




Time to read 5 min

In our last blog post we looked at using the Leica SL2-S with Leica's own L-Mount autofocus prime lenses- in particular the excellent Leica 35mm f/2 Summicron lens.

However, considering that Leica often promote the Leica SL2-S as a viable alternative to a digital Leica M camera, we thought it would be good to test out some of the 70 compatible Leica M lenses on the Leica SL2-S camera.

So how does the Leica SL2-S fair as an alternative camera body for the typical Leica M user? Well through this blog post I hope to share with you my own experiences of using the Leica SL2-S with a variety of native M mount lenses.

Background to using SL2-S

I have been using the Leica M system for over 15 years and I love shooting with these cameras. For me, the process of focusing the rangefinder system is one of joy. They are discreet and unobtrusive to use, and the native M Mount lenses are known for their quality and glow. Indeed, it is the native M lenses that are usually known for the fabled 'Leica look' that we hear so much about in the world of photography and world of Leica. 

I then first started using the Leica SL system upon it's launch in 2015, at that time the original SL camera and the newly launched 24-90mm zoom lens. I loved the system for its fast autofocus and the all metal construction. The images I took held excellent sharpness and micro-contrast. However, it was only when I combined the SL's mirrorless body with the Leica M to L adapter in order to use my M lenses on the camera that I felt everything perfectly came together as one- no more so than when shooting the 50mm Leica Noctilux lens with the original SL body. 

A picture of the night sky in purple light
A picture of the night sky in purple light

Testing on the SL2-S

Fast forward to 2024 and we have the excellent Leica Sl2-S, known for its wide dynamic range, high quality 24 Megapixel sensor and superb 5.76 MP EyeRes Viewfinder. For me, the combination of using this camera with the Leica M lenses allowed me to get the very best out of my Leica M glass. This happened in a way that even as an experienced M user I could never achieve so easily and readily with an M camera. In my experience, for the M photographer, I really do think that this may well be as good as it gets. 

A black and white portrait of a woman
A close up black and white photo of a puddle reflecting a building

Leica M to L Adapter on SL2-S

The Leica M-Adapter L (as it is officially named) is what unlocks the door to the world of M-Photography with your Leica SL2-S

This slim (only 13mm wide) and extremely well made machined metal adapter mounts directly onto your Leica SL2-S body (as you would attach a normal SL lens). The adapter mounts on smoothly, without too much resistance whilst still retaining a taught, firm feel. One simply aligns the red dot on the side of the adapter to the red dot on the SL2-S lens mount, before turning the adapter clockwise for approximately 45 degrees before it locks into place with a firm click. 

To release the adapter from the camera body of the SL2-S just reverse the process by unlocking the adapter before its release by pressing the round silver lens mount release on the front of the camera, turning it anti-clockwise to release the adapter from the camera body. 

Setting up the M lens

Once the adapter is mounted onto the SL2-S camera body one simply mounts any native M lens to the mount. The adapter itself has electronic contracts on the inside, so it is able to recognise M lenses that feature Leica's 6-bit coding, detecting these automatically as you mount the lens onto the camera. For those lenses that don't feature Leica's 6-bit coding (older M lenses), the camera will give the user a prompt on the menu screen stating 'New Lens Detected' and 'Unknown Lens'. Simply enter into the lens menu with one click from which you can manually enter the Lens Profiles Menu on the rear screen, selecting the specific lens that you wish to use (there are over 70 Leica M lenses listed as well as Leica R lenses). 

A close up picture of plants in a field
A landscape picture of a river and mountains

The Advantages of Using the SL2-S Combination

For me the main advantages of using the SL2-S M Lens setup are the ease of use and focus consistency that I can achieve. Particularly as a glass wearer, I have a far higher hit rate than when using the same lenses on my M body. This setup allows me to nail focus every single time, even when shooting wide open with Leica's fastest glass and a razor thin depth of field, such as on the excellent 50mm f/0.95 Noctilux and 75mm f/1.2 Noctilux lenses. 

The EyeRes electronic viewfinder is just superb when used in conjunction with my M lenses, allowing me to see exactly what the camera is seeing, so that I can adjust my exposure or focus plane in real time. This allows me to see the changes I am making within the viewfinder as they happen. This, combined with the focus peaking and 6 times magnifier facility works across the entire frame. Even shooting at the widest apertures there is no mis-focusing at all with the SL2-S. Creativity is further enhanced by the high shutter speeds of up to 1/16,000 of a second, thus negating the need for a Neutral Density filter on the lens, even in sunshine. 

Furthermore, focus shift issues or lenses that are not fully calibrated to a rangefinder pose no problem in achieving accurate focus. Likewise, the wider M lenses (wider than 28mm) or longer 90mm & 135mm lenses gain a new lease of life through the ease of focusing on the SL2-S. These lenses can usually be a pain to focus accurately on the M system. 

The EVF on the Sl2-S is so good and of such a high quality that as a user you almost forget that it is electronic, with the feel and view being so close to that of an optical viewfinder one can just get on with the business of taking photographs. 

A picture of a green landscape with hills and fields
A picture of countryside houses with hills behind
A picture of seagulls on a beach
A picture of people sat on a beach wall in front of a pier

Final Thoughts

Combined with the in-camera IBIS image stabilisation and clean high ISO performance, the Leica SL2-S is perfectly optimised for the Leica M user. Whereas an M camera tends to slow you down, with the Leica SL2-S you gain all the advantages of a modern system camera but still get to use all of your M lenses. 

With the intuitive design, interface and menu system meaning that the camera can be configured and tailored to your specific needs as a photographer, the Leica SL2-S and Leica M-Adapter L allows you to reach new levels of precision with your Noctilux and Summilux lenses whilst giving a new lease of life to your classic vintage lenses. Here, the Leica SL2-S and Leica M-Adapter L has your wishes covered.